#3—like in “Alice In Wonderland”—“Curious-er and curios-er”—eat one sire grow taller—eat the other side grow smaller.Hmmm!, could make you “An extraordinary Gal” (Guy Lombardo)
That was how complaints were handled in the Army!I recently had a complaint with the Water Department.The due date on the bill was always a day or so BEFORE payday.Their remedy? The late fee was quadrupled!
Buzza Wuzza about 12 years ago
quartermain about 12 years ago
#3—like in “Alice In Wonderland”—“Curious-er and curios-er”—eat one sire grow taller—eat the other side grow smaller.Hmmm!, could make you “An extraordinary Gal” (Guy Lombardo)
arye uygur about 12 years ago
I LOVE when the comics and the cartoonist come to life!
derry1 about 12 years ago
Number Three about 12 years ago
It’s your OWN fault, Mutt.
You shouldn’t have said anything…
But he looks so cute in the Last Panel though.
James1155 about 12 years ago
This is a gret comic strip! I love Mutt & Jeff.
Spooky D Cat about 12 years ago
Never argue with the Creator.
tuslog64 about 12 years ago
That was how complaints were handled in the Army!I recently had a complaint with the Water Department.The due date on the bill was always a day or so BEFORE payday.Their remedy? The late fee was quadrupled!
junemmoffatt about 12 years ago
Jeff’s body is the same size—it’s just his legs that are longer. Mutt, on the other hand, is scaled down properly.
Sherlock Watson about 12 years ago
Jeff should keep that mangy little Mutt outside.
brklnbern about 12 years ago
Like George Burns watching the proceedings of his own show on a TV in his den.