Frank and Ernest by Thaves for September 02, 2012
Ernie Studios Frank: Hi, Ernie. What movies are you working on? Ernest: We have a script about astronauts marooned on a planet filled with talking gorillas who are in hard economic times... Ernest: I think I'll call it "The Apes of Wrath"! Casting Dept. Ernest: We're casting "Reignman". The central character is a savant monarch. Ernest: And we're filming a movie about a suburban town populated by women with strange, long hair.... Sound Stage 5 Ernest: It's called "The Stepford Weaves"!
el8 over 12 years ago
Regardless, the PUNishment is overwhelming.
spirit42 over 12 years ago
Pastis has a method?
ncalifgirl58 over 12 years ago
Good comments guys. lol
Neat '33 over 12 years ago
I’ve been reading/viewing these two guys for years ! Along with the first cup of java in the a.m. these guys get my day going with those “puns” !!!