@AgProv, I was no help, all the responses from friends suggested a new email address might get you back on, but obviously from the beginning. The others suggested pleaded your case with the FB powers that be. Good luck to you.
RubyRedRing, I do thank you sincerely. Funny how a situation not unlike Mona’s is also going on for me on FB. After 24 years in which we have not exchanged a word, I tracked down an ex-GF and another person with whom I had a falling out at university. Reckoning that life is far too short for enmity, I sent her a PM noting it had been a long time and asking her forgiveness for anything I got wrong or which caused hurt and alarm all those years ago. Stressing I had no interest in getting back in with her – it had been too long for that. All I was seking was mutual forgiveness and then we could get on with our lives again having made up after a row. Or if she wanted, she could answer an Fb “friend” request. Two days later my account is “disabled” for infringement of terms and conditions, one of which is apparently “harrassment and bullying”. Question. am I right to fear the worst? I know most of the women I interact with on FB would slap me round the head or yell at me to back off if they felt crowded or harrassed, they wouldn’t put up with it in silence… but my former GF, alas, may not be of this robust sort.
Buzza Wuzza over 12 years ago
the better part of valor
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
There’s too much ferment in here, said The Voice Inside Her Head, as it bailed!
runar over 12 years ago
Maybe he’s gone to cheer up Buni.
-Saint- over 12 years ago
M.Smokey must be on vacation…
Peabody-Martini over 12 years ago
Where did Monsieur Smokey hop off to? Is this Mona’s own imagination trying to tell her something? Many odd questions arise from today’s strip.
Commentator over 12 years ago
Monsieur Smokey is visiting Monty today.
RubyRedRing54 over 12 years ago
@AgProv, I was no help, all the responses from friends suggested a new email address might get you back on, but obviously from the beginning. The others suggested pleaded your case with the FB powers that be. Good luck to you.
Peabody-Martini over 12 years ago
What makes you think he would settle for a mere “R” rated movie to star in? It is the lewd rabbit we’re talking about.
AgProv over 12 years ago
RubyRedRing, I do thank you sincerely. Funny how a situation not unlike Mona’s is also going on for me on FB. After 24 years in which we have not exchanged a word, I tracked down an ex-GF and another person with whom I had a falling out at university. Reckoning that life is far too short for enmity, I sent her a PM noting it had been a long time and asking her forgiveness for anything I got wrong or which caused hurt and alarm all those years ago. Stressing I had no interest in getting back in with her – it had been too long for that. All I was seking was mutual forgiveness and then we could get on with our lives again having made up after a row. Or if she wanted, she could answer an Fb “friend” request. Two days later my account is “disabled” for infringement of terms and conditions, one of which is apparently “harrassment and bullying”. Question. am I right to fear the worst? I know most of the women I interact with on FB would slap me round the head or yell at me to back off if they felt crowded or harrassed, they wouldn’t put up with it in silence… but my former GF, alas, may not be of this robust sort.
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 12 years ago
How long does it take a bunny to hop 3000 miles?(Long enough.)