Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for August 28, 2012
August 27, 2012
August 29, 2012
Gracie: How was your second day of school? Baldo: Well, I had my first pop quiz. Baldo: Then I had a bigger pop quiz. Baldo: And now I have huge pile of homework. Gracie: Lucky.
pdking77 over 12 years ago
She’s weird.
ncalifgirl58 over 12 years ago
Some people love reading and writing….Some people not.
autumnfire1957 over 12 years ago
I love Grace.
cwreenactor over 12 years ago
I was thinking to same thing.
ronpolimeni over 12 years ago
I find Gracie to be like little Lisa Simpson. Irritating .
Ellen Gwynne over 12 years ago
Millions of kids around the world would love to trade places with him for a education.