There was a woodpecker around here that did stuff like that. It pecked on a transformer up above the house for about an hour once. Then the transformer exploded taking out the woodpecker (I found the remains) and the top of the pole.
We had a flicker drill a hole through the wall of a storage shed, and before we could cover it a pair of barn swallows moved in and built a nest. My son said the flicker was just the contractor.
The problem with commenting on comic strips…… is if your view is a complete 180 to the majority or simply a reference to something different. .Thus the problem of satire, parody, comedy and higher commentary such as the Three Stooges. .@corjo2 – who knew birds hired contractors! Hope you kept the barn swallows. They keep the insect population down.
Interesting comments today. No political venom, a diversity of views, good stories, and both sound and tongue-in-cheek advice. All without vitrol or snide and nasty remarks. I think BC and ID are beneficial comics in many ways.
Mister.Jim over 12 years ago
@Alexikakos and afficionado: If you think these comics are in bad taste why do you waste your time reading them?
fixer1967 over 12 years ago
There was a woodpecker around here that did stuff like that. It pecked on a transformer up above the house for about an hour once. Then the transformer exploded taking out the woodpecker (I found the remains) and the top of the pole.
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
A woodpecker used to tap on our neighbor’s down spout. It was LOUD. I don’t know what they did to get rid of it. No shots were heard.
corjo2 over 12 years ago
We had a flicker drill a hole through the wall of a storage shed, and before we could cover it a pair of barn swallows moved in and built a nest. My son said the flicker was just the contractor.
ginkens001 over 12 years ago
Nice of you to notice. I’ve known that for 40 years.
Hunter7 over 12 years ago
The problem with commenting on comic strips…… is if your view is a complete 180 to the majority or simply a reference to something different. .Thus the problem of satire, parody, comedy and higher commentary such as the Three Stooges. .@corjo2 – who knew birds hired contractors! Hope you kept the barn swallows. They keep the insect population down.
mrsullenbeauty over 12 years ago
What exactly is in bad taste? The idea of a bird with a hangover? C’mon, that’s a liiiiiitle funny. Lighten up.
ransomdstone over 12 years ago
Interesting comments today. No political venom, a diversity of views, good stories, and both sound and tongue-in-cheek advice. All without vitrol or snide and nasty remarks. I think BC and ID are beneficial comics in many ways.