Must be a liberal, they’ll just tell you what they will GIVE you, because you “DESERVE” it. To heck whether you actually WORKED for it. Can you say FREEBIES?
@ ZuhlamonIn theory makes sense- but when public sector-Democratic party collusion results in John Q citizen having to guarantee a rigged retirement program for public workers…all hell breaks lose…the nation ends up with billions of unfunded retirement liabilities, ruinous to our country’s financial health.Meet public sector unions—-the piggy-bank for the Dem party…Walker busted it up in Wisconson—-other states will follow
Read “Silent Bosses” all.Sad but true, reveals how Democratic party would be dramatically changed without the Public Unions piggybanking them. Conservative leaning teachers are automatically union dues payers…like it or not…those duesunderwrite Democratic scams across the state of Calif. and elsewhere…this collusion must stop—-it’s driving Calif. into insolvency!! And that is the Bottom Line!!
dianalyn about 12 years ago
Mitt? is that you?
cdward about 12 years ago
That’s our American electoral system in general. Even good folks who want to do the right thing get caught in the money trap.
lcdrlar about 12 years ago
Must be a liberal, they’ll just tell you what they will GIVE you, because you “DESERVE” it. To heck whether you actually WORKED for it. Can you say FREEBIES?
litebites about 12 years ago
@ ZuhlamonIn theory makes sense- but when public sector-Democratic party collusion results in John Q citizen having to guarantee a rigged retirement program for public workers…all hell breaks lose…the nation ends up with billions of unfunded retirement liabilities, ruinous to our country’s financial health.Meet public sector unions—-the piggy-bank for the Dem party…Walker busted it up in Wisconson—-other states will follow
litebites about 12 years ago
Read “Silent Bosses” all.Sad but true, reveals how Democratic party would be dramatically changed without the Public Unions piggybanking them. Conservative leaning teachers are automatically union dues payers…like it or not…those duesunderwrite Democratic scams across the state of Calif. and elsewhere…this collusion must stop—-it’s driving Calif. into insolvency!! And that is the Bottom Line!!
teltech543 about 12 years ago
Thia is actually ANY political official. You can not single any one of them out.