Don’t start the bar-b-que wars here. Every region thinks they have the best bar-b-que. Plus I have tried Eastern North Carolina food ( It can’t be classified as cuisine.) Even the bar-b-qued pork was bland and the vinegar base sauce was not very tasty.
It’s kind of hard to imagine that someone with a sweet, old-fashioned name like “Jenny” could be capable of such perfidy. Still, I think this situation would make for a memorable episode of “Who the Bleep Did I Marry?”
margueritem over 12 years ago
Jenny cannot be trusted, Pig.
Linux0s over 12 years ago
SPF 0 (extra crispy).
Odd Dog Premium Member over 12 years ago
Self basting beach tray remember low and slow indirect heat
naturally_easy over 12 years ago
Ahh…a Luau! (sp?)
rogue53 over 12 years ago
Make sure you rotis yourself, I don’t want you raw on one side and burnt on the other.
malpot over 12 years ago
Pigs can,t sweat… Must be the juices. Mmmmm, juices.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
You better go and save your bacon.
Commentator over 12 years ago
Jenny needs a push-up bra top.
jreckard over 12 years ago
Jenny doesn’t look like a black widow.
philyfanstukinmi over 12 years ago
Jenny doesn’t give a spit. She’ll give new meaning to porking up when it’s done.
Rwill over 12 years ago
Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer used butter as suntan oil.
Tom Falco over 12 years ago
Insert it in your mouth piggie.
Digital Frog over 12 years ago
I think that’s the same reason why pigs don’t last long as firefighters.
William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago
The other “Red Meat”?
JB10000Lakes over 12 years ago
I guess Jenny-O is branching out into pork now.
hippogriff over 12 years ago
notsoastute: Sorta, on artificial lakes.
LingeeWhiz over 12 years ago
It’s so hot out here I could roast!
lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago
Mmmm, slow roasted pig…. [drool]
kaecispopX over 12 years ago
Don’t start the bar-b-que wars here. Every region thinks they have the best bar-b-que. Plus I have tried Eastern North Carolina food ( It can’t be classified as cuisine.) Even the bar-b-qued pork was bland and the vinegar base sauce was not very tasty.
mjpankr over 12 years ago
It’s kind of hard to imagine that someone with a sweet, old-fashioned name like “Jenny” could be capable of such perfidy. Still, I think this situation would make for a memorable episode of “Who the Bleep Did I Marry?”
J Quest over 12 years ago
Makin’ bacon on the beach!
coffeeturtle over 12 years ago
Ah! I see now! Jenny, I got your number!867-5309
Popeyesforearm over 12 years ago
Jenny likes HANGIN" out at the beach. Maybe Rat shows up with a baseball bat and saves the pig??
bsdenney32 over 12 years ago
Jenny Craig must be backsliding
Rimmy Jo Buckles over 12 years ago
I was at the beach with my sister, who is a bit overweight and some teenagers were saying the most meanspirited things.
iced tea over 12 years ago
Don’t forget the pineapple for his gut.