Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for September 03, 2012
17 years ago today I began signing my name in the Nancy comic ? ? ? Every day I gain a deeper affection for Ernie Bush Millers creation- and an even greater respect for Ernie- Two Ernie! Here! Here! Where? I owe you all the thanks tho for reading my efforts as I child set this beloved pointy haired comic strip icon and her er laid-back boyfriend I'm ready for another 17 years! How about you? Get back to work!
Buzza Wuzza over 12 years ago
It’s a great strip I really enjoy.
siburtigra over 12 years ago
I’ve missed all the Nancy’s comic strips after I out-grew reading comics since 1970. Now I’m glad we have my fav comic characters on-line and I don’t have to miss a day becoz I could always back-date the strips. Back then you only have them on newpapers. Cheers to Nancy!!! And to you too, Guy!
solarrhino over 12 years ago
I really love how you’ve kept the strip true to my memories. Kudos!
JezzVimSr over 12 years ago
Don’t know if I have another 17 years left but would love to read the strip on my last day. Thank You for Nancy strip.
BillWa over 12 years ago
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY GIL!!!!!!!!! I have loved Nancy for many years, falling in love with her and with Fritzi Ritz, You have don Ernie Proud. Now you get to explain what the meaning of the three rocks is. I know, but I ain’t telling, LOL.
Michelle Morris over 12 years ago
Gil,you are one handsome fella! Happy Anniversary and Happy Labor Day,Everybody!
kathleenashbaugh over 12 years ago
Congratulations, Gil! Thank you for your great work with Nancy!
calldrin10 over 12 years ago
Thank you Nancy. I read your content and i seen it is very good post.Thanksneopets
wsash over 12 years ago
And thank you for your work on this strip. You (& Brad) are the reason I started re-reading Nancy after a more than 30 year hiatus. Here’s to another 17 years of great work…
Rufus The naked mole rat over 12 years ago
That’s really neat. I know that after Jerry Scott stopped doing the strip, people have been concerned that the strip returning to the Bushmiller style wouldn’t be too popular with fans. I guess Guy proved them wrong.
bugboy47 over 12 years ago
Happy Birthday to my Wife also…
bellylaughs over 12 years ago
I grew up with Nancy, and have always loved her. Sounds like a Happy Birthday is in store. Thanks for all the years of joy you have brought into my home.
SharkNose over 12 years ago
Happy 17th, Mr. Gilchrist! Thanks for keeping Nancy, Aunt Fritzi, Sluggo and all the others alive and well for us. My favorite funny ones are when Nancy tries new hairdos! :D
richardkel over 12 years ago
Thanks for all the great memories, and those yet to come.
Matthew Kreps Premium Member over 12 years ago
I enjoy the gentle humor of this strip — AND Guy’s obvious adoration of the beauteous Aunt Fritzi.
Richard Amidei over 12 years ago
Bring back Moon Mullins.
BLUEBONNETS Premium Member over 12 years ago
Yeah, I’m with Nancy, get back to work … and thanks.
ossiningaling over 12 years ago
Guy’s hat explains to me all the music references I’ve ever seen on Aunt Fritzi’s wardrobe.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 12 years ago
I had posted a sketch of Guy a week or so ago on his Facebook, without knowing he had done this strip. (Then he showed me!)
amsterama1 over 12 years ago
Congrats on bringing back the strip and doing it right! All hail Bushmiller!
Durak Premium Member over 12 years ago
You two do a great job Gilchrists! Thanks!
Redhead55 over 12 years ago
Thanks guys. Still loving it after all these years.
Hussell over 12 years ago
Happy anniversary, and thinks for bringing Nancy (somewhat) to the present decade(s). I hope you are still working on eit in 17 years and I hope I am still around to read them. Also nice tribute to Ernie Bushmiller.
BudLyte over 12 years ago
Too bad a talent like this couldn’t have continued L’il Abner.
LV1951 over 12 years ago
Happy Anniversary Guy! Doing a great job. Keep it going!
JoniRR over 12 years ago
Wishing you another 17 years and more. Thanks for bringing “Nancy” to the world.
elvin272727 over 12 years ago
Thanks so much for saving Nancy. I think I can last another 17 years. And maybe a little more. ;)
upanddown17 over 12 years ago
Happy 17th. May you enjoy drawing Nancy for the next 17 and beyond.
Linda Solomon over 12 years ago
Happy Anniversary Guy and Brad…and heres to many more as well!
iced tea over 12 years ago
I remember reading Nancy when I was a little girl. I’m glad the strip didn’t stop after Mr.Bushmiller died. That’s what happened with the strip Dondi. Nancy rocks and lives on!
Beetle Premium Member over 12 years ago
I have been reading Nancy for several years and still enjoy it. Thanks
Spade Jr. over 12 years ago
Congrats to you, Guy, and all the others who have kept Nancy & company going. The humor and the characters have maintained well over the years, and the fact that you have managed to avoid any type of political taint is outstanding as too many comic strip creators cave in to a phony need to go outside that magical world in which strips and stories lines simply don’t need political garbage to entertain (and sometimes make great points about life in the real world. Ernie would be pleased!
rgcviper over 12 years ago
Happy Anniversary (for Nancy), Guy and Brad, and here’s to at least seventeen more great years.
GuyGilchrist over 12 years ago
My thanks to all of you who have posted, and all of you who read this strip. I have you all to thank for this cool job.
nivelle.famille Premium Member over 12 years ago
Congratulations and ….thank you !
Darcie Daniels Premium Member over 12 years ago
I love Nancy, and keep up the great work!
ambrozic over 12 years ago
Congrats – keep up the daily fun!
GuyGilchrist over 12 years ago
thank you!
billwilliam20 over 12 years ago
Thank you for doing a great job. I enjoy Nancy very much keep up the fantastic job.
PattiS over 12 years ago
another 17 is good with me!!
Jaime Jean M over 12 years ago
Sorry, but I still think Jerry Scott is the best Nancy cartoonist ever.