I read when someone actually got run over by a roller – and survived. It was being unloaded from a truck, and got away on the ramp, and he couldn’t get out of the way!Fortunately the ground was soft where he was pressed down, and his fellow workers just pulled him back up.His lucky day!
Tog over 12 years ago
Now that’s funny.
BoomSkee over 12 years ago
U bet your sweet BIPPY!
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 12 years ago
Phosphoros over 12 years ago
He came to give her an uplift.
ginkens001 over 12 years ago
Flat Nancy
Zaristerex over 12 years ago
Nancy, have you lost weight???
tuslog64 over 12 years ago
I read when someone actually got run over by a roller – and survived. It was being unloaded from a truck, and got away on the ramp, and he couldn’t get out of the way!Fortunately the ground was soft where he was pressed down, and his fellow workers just pulled him back up.His lucky day!
marilynrknits over 12 years ago
Anybody read a book called “Flat Stanley” when they were a kid? My kids loved it. Found http://www.flatstanleybooks.com/ if anyone is interested.
gimmickgenius over 12 years ago
Grounded or pounded?