Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for September 08, 2012
Nancy: And god bless Aunt Fritzi, Sluggo, Irma, Rollo, Homer, Maria, Jackie, Teddy, Poochie, Rocky, Goldie, all my teachers, pastor Mark--- Aunt Teresa, cousin Kaitlin, cousin Haley, cousin Kelsea, cousin Amber-- Teddy bear: HE IS "all knowing"--- You could just say "ME AND MY GANG" and I'm pretty sure you're covered.
blunebottle over 12 years ago
…… teddy bears get impatient…….?
daniel_bel over 12 years ago
He’s tired because HE has already been named. Those bears are selfish you see. I know, I have one.
Wowza over 12 years ago
I like a more secular Nancy.
runar over 12 years ago
“Dear Praying People,This is God. I’m sorry but I can’t answer your prayers right now. Tim Tebow is fervently praying for me to help him complete his next pass, and has promised to do that little thing he does every time he thanks Me (he looks so cute when he does that).Your prayer is very important to Me. Please stay on your knees and the next angel, saint or deceased relative will be on the line to intercede for you.”
iced tea over 12 years ago
This is beautiful-a little girl’s prayers. God IS all knowing and He hears all our prayers. Sometimes life deals us a blow, but that’s because the Lord wants us to keep on praying and having faith that He hears us.