OK, this is bizarre: in the copy of the strip that came in my e-mail today, in the second panel, the words “don’t get” appear to the right of Brewster. When I came here to the site to see what was going on, there is nothing there. Did anyone else have this happen?
Bilan over 12 years ago
Maybe they brought some peanut butter
Peabody-Martini over 12 years ago
Insectoids to ruin the day but Brewster is always happier with ray gun anyway.
King_Shark over 12 years ago
Get a Space Anteater.
margueritem over 12 years ago
Poor Brewster screws up again…
mrbribery over 12 years ago
“Do you mind if we dance with your date?”
TechnoScotty over 12 years ago
It’s a cookbook!!!
Varnes over 12 years ago
God, those guys look just like my uncles…..
Rakkav over 12 years ago
It could be worse. They could be dinosaurs. (I’ve been seeing a lot of dino-documentaries on YouTube lately.)
Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago
They’re red-and-yellow-jackets!
Alphaanddelta over 12 years ago
You would need a tourniquet for that ant bite.
wndrwrthg over 12 years ago
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
Pam: “Do you have a ray blaster in that basket?”
Bewster: “Always!”
Pam: “I’m never without mine!”
Brewster: “Then let’s incenerate some some insectoids!”
[ Mutiple Blasters Firing, Insectoids Screaming, Sounds Of Exoskeletons Being Blow Apart ]
gordrogb Premium Member over 12 years ago
Yes, I think “luck” for Brewster involves ham.
Phatts over 12 years ago
Jeez, don’t you guys do any research on a planet before you . . .. . . wait, wait, just a cartoon, remember, just a cartoon . . .
Dragoncat over 12 years ago
I have only one thing to say about today’s strip.(Ahem!)…RAAIIIIIIIID!!!!
VaSeeker Premium Member over 12 years ago
OK, this is bizarre: in the copy of the strip that came in my e-mail today, in the second panel, the words “don’t get” appear to the right of Brewster. When I came here to the site to see what was going on, there is nothing there. Did anyone else have this happen?
ckham over 12 years ago
I supposed it could have been worse…. they could have said “baked beings!”
stamps over 12 years ago
Pull my finger.
JP Steve Premium Member over 12 years ago
Not to worry, those ants are redshirts!