La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for September 07, 2012
September 06, 2012
September 08, 2012
TV: Mitt Romney has released a statement clarifying... when he will finally release his taxes. Missouri Congressman Todd Akin will birth my baby before I release my taxes.
The amazing part of this is: There are a lot of women who will defend this line of thinking. White women—while expressing anger at the “glass ceiling,” also want their son’s to be the “alpha male”—and be the arbitir of the “glass ceiling.”
lutherg1 over 12 years ago
The amazing part of this is: There are a lot of women who will defend this line of thinking. White women—while expressing anger at the “glass ceiling,” also want their son’s to be the “alpha male”—and be the arbitir of the “glass ceiling.”