Wizard of Id by Parker and Hart for September 04, 2012

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    Llewellenbruce  over 12 years ago

    The Fink is about as mean as Dagwood’s boss.

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  2. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  over 12 years ago

    Hail to the Chief. (pun intended)

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    BigChiefDesoto  over 12 years ago

    And the weather forecasts haven’t improved much since then, either. Back when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area twenty years ago, I was doing quite well just assuming the opposite of what the weather forecast was.

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  4. Hillbilly1
    Hillbillyman  over 12 years ago

    Why does ID need a meteorologist? They have the Wiz.

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    tirnaaisling  over 12 years ago

    The Fink’s financial predictions are a darn sight more accurate than the weather ;)

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    Cloudchaser  over 12 years ago

    Things will be better in 2015. The weather service there is amazing!

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    King_Shark  over 12 years ago

    The Fink must be mellowing. The meteorologist didn’t end up in chains in the dungeon.

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago


    Fall back on the age old defense-“Hey, stuff happens.”.

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    freeholder1  over 12 years ago

    Everybody talks about the weather but no one ever does anything about it.

    My Cousin Mark

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    freeholder1  over 12 years ago

    Funny, it’s almost like God is explaining He’s in control and we have nothing to say about it really.

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    Rickapolis  over 12 years ago

    Oh, geez. I always thought it was ‘meatyorologist’ and it had to do with beef.

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    Neat '33  over 12 years ago

    I’m with Hillbillyman; what’s wrong with using the Wiz???

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago


    He charges more for his services than the king is willing to dish out.Something about austerity.

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    whitecarabao  over 12 years ago

    There is a big difference between a meteorologist and a weather forecaster.A weather forecaster tries to tell us what the weather may be in the near future.A meterologist tells us why the weather yesterday was the way it was.

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    rogue53  over 12 years ago

    True story: Years ago in Brazil, there was to be a big festival, but the official meteorologist predicted rain, so it was cancelled. It didn’t rain, the President had the meteorologist tossed in jail. Loved it. Seems fair, since so many peoples livelihood is tied up with the weather.

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    frrykid Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Considering, you have to realize that meteorology is one of the only jobs that I know of where you can be wrong half the time and still have a job!

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