Smoke all that you want in the privacy of your own home. If I wind up subsidizing your health care, I’ll begrudgingly accept that, since I’m also subsidizing the health care of people who, say, eat an unhealthy diet. Just don’t smoke around me (outdoor dining and drinking areas particularly), and don’t throw your butts on the ground.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Moore’s just blowin’ smoke, again !
rini1946 over 12 years ago
quit picking on smokers they leave more in SS than them nosmokers
Larry Miller Premium Member over 12 years ago
Ahh, but the Medicare part….
fishbulb239 over 12 years ago
Smoke all that you want in the privacy of your own home. If I wind up subsidizing your health care, I’ll begrudgingly accept that, since I’m also subsidizing the health care of people who, say, eat an unhealthy diet. Just don’t smoke around me (outdoor dining and drinking areas particularly), and don’t throw your butts on the ground.
Top Cat over 12 years ago
The funny part to me is the starter urging the runners in the smoking section to Hurry Up and get to the start line.
el8 over 12 years ago
I only smoke when I’m on fire.