Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for September 22, 2012
Rip: I'm here to enter the big whoop canyon race! Vile: Well, hobos aren't allowed! A bum like you could never get up the entry fee. Unless you pony up $1,000 cash, you ain't entering my race. Rip: I hear good things about kick starter! Cobra: If I front you the money, I better get some sweet perks.
LordDogmore over 12 years ago
“Sweet Perks” for “Sugar Bullets”Oh the things this brings to mind.Better quit now while this is still a family comic.
Veridian over 12 years ago
Ok…I’ma go ahead and State The Obvious here….(Ahem) Cobra M’dear you’ve ALREADY got some sweet perks! HUGPOUNCESZZZ! Have a Great Weekend All!
punchydugan over 12 years ago
I’m having a good time and in for the duration but I’ll be darned if I can figure out where this story is going.
alleyoops Premium Member over 12 years ago
Or where it has been??
DorianKTB over 12 years ago
What a long strange trip it’s been with this particular RIP HAYWIRE storyline! “Sweet perks for Sugar Bullets,” indeed! Just curious: is this gonna end by Christmas? :-) Anyway, Happy Weekend to Veridian, Linda, Lord Dogmore, Dragoncat, and all the ships at sea from Team Bartilucci HQ!
Linda Solomon over 12 years ago
Sweet and Perky Enough to Last Until Monday ..
HugPounceszz Haywire Hooligans!
mntim over 12 years ago
Just guessing here, but it looks like Cobra likes the beard.
Dragoncat over 12 years ago
Aww! Too bad, Boss Hogg. This trophy engagement just isn’t going your way anymore, is it?