Robert Heinlein once said that when he was a boy, travelling carnivals sometimes had an exhibit called “The Lion and the Lamb” in which they would have a live lion and a lamb in the same cage together, apparently living in peace and harmony. Heinlein said it was a very impressive exhibit—except that they had to replace the lamb fairly frequently.
Linguist about 12 years ago
And here I thought Rexy had a crush on Tina !
OldestandWisest about 12 years ago
Robert Heinlein once said that when he was a boy, travelling carnivals sometimes had an exhibit called “The Lion and the Lamb” in which they would have a live lion and a lamb in the same cage together, apparently living in peace and harmony. Heinlein said it was a very impressive exhibit—except that they had to replace the lamb fairly frequently.
OldestandWisest about 12 years ago
There’s also the old saying, “And the lion shall lie down with the lamb—but the lion will get a lot more sleep.”
pam Miner about 12 years ago
Ruthie’s understanding of the world seems to be OK