Savage Chickens by Doug Savage for December 13, 2012
Chick: How does he get onto the room? Chicken: Flying reindeer Chick: Hoe does he get down the chimney? Chicken: Magic fairy dust... Chick: Hoe does he go around the world in one night? Chicken: ...I think he stops time... Chick: And you believe this crap?
Rainfoot about 12 years ago
Makes more sense than cristianity and it’s ilk.
nerdhoof about 12 years ago
According to theory, the big bang was the beginning of the universe. If we knew what caused it, we would have to know something about what existed before the universe, which is everything that ever existed, or everything we can possibly know about.
nerdhoof about 12 years ago
By the way, this strip reminds me of “Santa Claus and his Old Lady”, my second favorite Christmas story.