Why this gnome has a hard-on for Buni?! Two weeks ago, he tried to steal money from him (of which Dogi took his head off), and now he tried to whack him! What, travelocity.com isn’t paying him enough, now he’s doing petty thefts and mob hits?! Thank goodness that pet Buni bought months ago was a good investment!
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
Don’t —ck with Dogi.
randayn over 12 years ago
Dogi is on the case!
blunebottle over 12 years ago
He was Nome match for Dogi!
Molly mcgee over 12 years ago
Good Dogi!!~Ryan, it’s your strip, have you named our hero canine???~Looks like your readers have!!!
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
Why this gnome has a hard-on for Buni?! Two weeks ago, he tried to steal money from him (of which Dogi took his head off), and now he tried to whack him! What, travelocity.com isn’t paying him enough, now he’s doing petty thefts and mob hits?! Thank goodness that pet Buni bought months ago was a good investment!
Plods with ...™ over 12 years ago
Good dogi
pierreandnicole over 12 years ago
Dogi REALLY deserves a Spin-off strip all his own. What an awsome dog!!!!
calvinsfriend110 over 12 years ago
Dogi is awesome!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago
And once again, our fearless hero rushes to Buni’s aide! Good dog!
Seiko over 12 years ago
Prediction: The plot theme endures as Buni, always ready to forgive, allows Gnome to remain in the garden.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
answer..gnomes in bUNis world are evil…
Davepostmp over 12 years ago
I wouldn’t use it out on the rest of the world.
Bratwurst over 12 years ago
…and Buni only see the back of a hysteric dog…
tegm about 12 years ago