I like the one where the lawyer gets to heaven and is met with trumpet fanfares, choirs, and the whole works. He asks if he is the first lawyer and St. Peter says, no they’ve had a few others but he was the first since Methusela’s time to live past the age of 500. The lawyer replies “But I died at 63….” St Peter looks at his books again, slaps his forehead and says “Doh, we added up your billing hours by mistake!”
I like the one where the lawyer gets to heaven and is met with trumpet fanfares, choirs, and the whole works. He asks if he is the first lawyer and St. Peter says, no they’ve had a few others but he was the first since Methusela’s time to live past the age of 500. The lawyer replies “But I died at 63….” St Peter looks at his books again, slaps his forehead and says “Doh, we added up your billing hours by mistake!”