Crabgrass by Tauhid Bondia for November 24, 2024

  1. Missing large
    Arbitrary  7 days ago

    I started reading Crabgrass on another site and gotta say the Sunday strips are really wholesome sometimes.

    Same vibes here and Chilli and Bandit trying to imitate Bingo and Bluey’s silly walks.

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    hvallalkozo  7 days ago

    Don’t worry Gene and Donna. Your son had been 9-years-old since the start of this comic and never ages, which means you two will never get any older than you are now.

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  3. Babysteps2
    mccollunsky  7 days ago

    Have to be fun w/o the kids seeing or else the parent cred goes down.

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  4. Idano
    Ida No  7 days ago

    Oh no! Miles is starting to catch on! Someone mindwipe him! Now!

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    markkahler52  7 days ago

    And he didn’t have a cellphone to record that!! UGH!! (O, the 80’s!!…)

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  6. Calvins
    Algolei I  7 days ago

    I’m 59 with arthritis in m spine and I can still skip. It’s painful, but I can do it. I know this because I was doing it last week, on my way out to the car to go Christmas shopping.

    Afterwards I stumbled back home and went to bed around 7.

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  7. Tweeneraim
    Pete in Philly Premium Member 6 days ago

    SO true!

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  8. Test01b
    LawrenceS  6 days ago

    Parents don’t want their kids to grow up, so they only have fun when the kids aren’t looking so the kids will not realize the joys of adulthood.

    It won’t work. Kids want to grow up and get drivers licenses. Getting behind the wheel is fun.

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  9. Smileywink4
    klesmiley_ Premium Member 6 days ago

    Do you remember Kevin’s dad? I tried to find some ‘toons with him in them but couldn’t find any. He was still around when the boys got lost in the woods looking for buried treasure. And Kevin got stuck in “quicksand”! and when his dad was going to take the boys to see the wrestler. Anyone have any dates I can look up?

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  10. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  6 days ago

    Donna and Gene must be going through a midlife crisis.

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    moonfrogger  6 days ago

    So… How many of you tried to “skip”?

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  12. Dirty harry 2
    Kroykali  6 days ago

    Love the look on Mile’s face in the 7th panel.

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  13. Elopuck
    MRBLUESKY529  6 days ago

    The only time I skip is when I occasionally skip lunch.

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    diazch408  6 days ago

    Imagine what they did when you were at daycare, Miles! That’s why you became such a neat kid with your toys.

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  15. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  6 days ago

    And it never changes, not that I would want it too. I am forever 25 in my mind, and then I catch a glimpse of my reflection and I think who the heck is that?! I’ll always be a kid at heart though, and it keeps you young to seize any moment to skip, laugh and play.

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  16. Daffy duck   freakout   icon
    sperry532  6 days ago

    Somewhere back around the late 70’s and early 80’s, there was research on skipping versus running/jogging. It seems skipping allowed one to cover more ground using less energy, provided a better cardiovascular workout, and was easier on the joints. Also, it was fun. The rumour that one could skip faster than run. While not true, it sure seemed like it.

    Unfortunately, skipping adults tended to get ridiculed a lot more than kids. A LOT more.

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    crazeekatlady  6 days ago

    I’ll have to try to remember how to skip when I get up.

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  18. Caligo uranus d
    Taracinablue  6 days ago

    There’s a trend online where a young person challenges an older person (middle aged or older) to see if he/she remembers how to skip. Of course the answer is yes, but the attempts, which are quite funny, reveal a different answer

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    Can't Sleep  6 days ago

    I don’t think I ever learned to skip. I must have missed school that day.

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