Hey, if you want to wear a mask, feel free. 73 years old, vaccinated and boosted, wore the masks at the start of the “pandemic”, but as soon as vaccinated stopped unless the business required it. Japanese have been doing this for over a century and it seems to work for them.
You can tell this is an old strip. I still see people walking around with masks, and 80% of them have them pulled down under their nose! What’s the point?
This 70 year-old never believed in those silly little masks as a safeguard against a virus. I took, and am still taking, Vitamins C and D to keep my immune system up. My workplace and the churches I sing at have the good filtration systems with UV-C lights.
steve7701 Premium Member over 1 year ago
Yeah, a Crankshaft malapropism that is funny and makes sense!
erledbet over 1 year ago
Self conscience at that age!
Conservative Man over 1 year ago
Masks are useless in all situations
WilliamVollmer over 1 year ago
Pretty? Somehow I doubt that adjective fit you guys even when you were younger.
ladykat over 1 year ago
I am so glad I don’t have to wear a mask any more!
French Persons' Celebration of Peeved Harry Dinkle Premium Member over 1 year ago
As if you were pretty. More like petty.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 1 year ago
Hey, if you want to wear a mask, feel free. 73 years old, vaccinated and boosted, wore the masks at the start of the “pandemic”, but as soon as vaccinated stopped unless the business required it. Japanese have been doing this for over a century and it seems to work for them.
tcayer over 1 year ago
You can tell this is an old strip. I still see people walking around with masks, and 80% of them have them pulled down under their nose! What’s the point?
lawguy05 over 1 year ago
malatrope56 over 1 year ago
It would make sense if masks did anything at all against viruses, but, sadly, they do not. Wearing one when not required is pure virtue signaling.
pnl2077 over 1 year ago
Just for giggles, I walk into the bank wearing a mask just to have the teller hand me cash through the window. No, this is not a hold up.
Ronald Hathcock Premium Member over 1 year ago
This 70 year-old never believed in those silly little masks as a safeguard against a virus. I took, and am still taking, Vitamins C and D to keep my immune system up. My workplace and the churches I sing at have the good filtration systems with UV-C lights.
ToneeRhianRose over 1 year ago
Haha! XD
paige.votruba 8 months ago
I still wear a mask in stores if they’re too crowded,as I have asthma,lung disease,and a CHD. I get sick easily.