Alice: Hi, Daddy! I watched Petey practice soccer. Dad: you did? Alice: Petey kicked the ball like this - EEYOUGHUPF! It was like a kung fu show. Dad: Alice, honey, you kicked my car over.
It’d be nice to see more intelligent comments than just ROFL and LOL and LMAO. Seriously, if you don’t have anything more intelligent to say, why say it? I like this comic as much as any of you, but this is starting to bug me just a little. I’d prefer seeing comments that take a little more thought than just “LOL” and “LMAO.” And this comic seems to attract that kind of comment more than most, for some reason.
It’d be nice to see more intelligent comments than just ROFL and LOL and LMAO. Seriously, if you don’t have anything more intelligent to say, why say it? I like this comic as much as any of you, but this is starting to bug me just a little. I’d prefer seeing comments that take a little more thought than just “LOL” and “LMAO.” And this comic seems to attract that kind of comment more than most, for some reason.