Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for November 06, 2011
Petey: I'm doing a diorama on lunar phases for school. Tonight the moon is waxing gibbous! Alice: Like a monkey? Petey: No, the moon - Alice: A gibbous is a kind of monkey. Petey: No, it's - Dill: The zoo has one at the monkey house. Petey: No. Alice: But why is it waxing? Petey: Agh. Dill: Maybe it's pushing a floor polisher. Alice: The moon is a monkey pushing a floor polisher. Alice: Makes sense to me! Dill: I'll stick with my theory that the moons' a galactic repository for used chewing gum.
“Gibbous” means a moon that’s more than half but less than a full moon.