Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for August 10, 2016
August 09, 2016
August 11, 2016
Beni: Now make the bee do something useful. Alice: Bee- go fix me a bologna sandwich. Bee: Buzz. Kids: Run! Alice: Hey, that's a june bug! Ha! Don't I feel silly. Dill: No wonder it tried to sting us.
A “June Bug” is actually a scarab beetle:.Jung’s most famous case of synchronicity in psychotherapy was with the woman patient who recited a dream she had had in which she was given a costly piece of jewelry, a golden scarab (beetle). While she was relating the dream Jung heard something tapping at the window from outside. Jung opened the window and in flew a scarbaeid beetle which he caught in his hand, its gold-green color resembling that of the golden scarab in the woman’s dream. He handed the beetle to his patient and said, “Here is your scarab.”
A “June Bug” is actually a scarab beetle:.Jung’s most famous case of synchronicity in psychotherapy was with the woman patient who recited a dream she had had in which she was given a costly piece of jewelry, a golden scarab (beetle). While she was relating the dream Jung heard something tapping at the window from outside. Jung opened the window and in flew a scarbaeid beetle which he caught in his hand, its gold-green color resembling that of the golden scarab in the woman’s dream. He handed the beetle to his patient and said, “Here is your scarab.”