Sounds like Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin’s cheating wasn’t good enough! (Context:
Wonder how it feels to have kids not smart enough to get into a prestiges college? Hmmmm its all about clout, pride and who has the most money…..Look where it got them…. the love of Money is the root of all evil….heads up congress….take a lesson from Hollywood……
Obi-Haiv almost 6 years ago
Good at everything except maintaining a healthy relationship, maybe.
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Sounds like Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin’s cheating wasn’t good enough! (Context:
Stephen Gilberg almost 6 years ago
It does seem like Horace has no marketable skills.
Kaputnik almost 6 years ago
I will now give a talk about ethics.
It was originally going to be a debate, but I bribed my opponent to take the day off.
InTraining Premium Member almost 6 years ago
hummm… Sine is speechless…so am I… why didn’t I think of that years ago… !
cheap_day_return almost 6 years ago
BlueFin Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I wonder, where he got that idea now
Zebrastripes almost 6 years ago
Wonder how it feels to have kids not smart enough to get into a prestiges college? Hmmmm its all about clout, pride and who has the most money…..Look where it got them…. the love of Money is the root of all evil….heads up congress….take a lesson from Hollywood……
J Short almost 6 years ago
Today’s comments; truly the dark side.
AndrewSihler almost 6 years ago
A-HAH! So that’s where Trumpo’s delusion about being super-good at everything comes from!
Bargrove almost 6 years ago
I’m a kleptomaniac but I’m taking something for it.