That position builds arm strength, too. As a youth, I was a bookworm, but I could bench press any volume of the encyclopedia. If you don’t know what an encyclopedia is, ask an older person or Jiminy Cricket. :)
This guy took a horse to a machine shop to get re-shod and when he came back the horse was on his back with his feet straight up in the air. “What happened to my horse?” to which the machinist replied, “I don’t know…he’s been like that ever since I took him out of the vice.”
Baarorso almost 4 years ago
We constant sitters aren’t lazy…we’re just efficient in our energy usage.;-D
pschearer Premium Member almost 4 years ago
As someone says, “Sitting is the new smoking.”
Ninette almost 4 years ago
Flint like knitting.
rshive almost 4 years ago
If the book gets boring, Horace is all set.
Doctor Toon almost 4 years ago
And hour is the most I get and I’m too sore to sit and I have to get up
I’m in more pain on my nights off than on nights I work
Zebrastripes almost 4 years ago
Whatever works…neigh-ver waste your time doing nothing….time is of the essence….life’s too short….
Q4horse almost 4 years ago
Horses do not sit down, it’s either stand up or lie down.
InTraining Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Obviously, Horace is studying dressage…!
Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Works for me
mistercatworks almost 4 years ago
That position builds arm strength, too. As a youth, I was a bookworm, but I could bench press any volume of the encyclopedia. If you don’t know what an encyclopedia is, ask an older person or Jiminy Cricket. :)
Vegetable Patch 62+236 almost 4 years ago
Hazard, Kentucky: where you no longer have to read between the dotted lines.
Sir Isaac almost 4 years ago
This guy took a horse to a machine shop to get re-shod and when he came back the horse was on his back with his feet straight up in the air. “What happened to my horse?” to which the machinist replied, “I don’t know…he’s been like that ever since I took him out of the vice.”
almost 4 years ago
Now that’s more like it.
JH&Cats almost 4 years ago
Are these two views of the same item of furniture?