Doubleup finished with his urgent phone callNo way he could stay he would take a big fallThis wasn’t the time to respond with his whipThe smartest move was to heed Blazes tipOutta here fast they all had to scramBut Jimmy the whale had a different escape planThe door he’d take was back in the rearHe hoped it’d help him to quickly disappearThe gun in his waist would confirm his main pointThat nobody bosses Jimmy when he’s in one of his jointsDoubleup knew there was no time to play gamesIf Jimmy bellied up it was he Bigg would blameSo faster than Superman to his feet did he standAnd forcibly moved Jimmys pop gun from his handI planned to write more but somebody yelled freezeI value my life so obeying’s a breeze.
Doubleup finished with his urgent phone callNo way he could stay he would take a big fallThis wasn’t the time to respond with his whipThe smartest move was to heed Blazes tipOutta here fast they all had to scramBut Jimmy the whale had a different escape planThe door he’d take was back in the rearHe hoped it’d help him to quickly disappearThe gun in his waist would confirm his main pointThat nobody bosses Jimmy when he’s in one of his jointsDoubleup knew there was no time to play gamesIf Jimmy bellied up it was he Bigg would blameSo faster than Superman to his feet did he standAnd forcibly moved Jimmys pop gun from his handI planned to write more but somebody yelled freezeI value my life so obeying’s a breeze.
Just because I felt like being nice today