Sam and Tracy on the move. The siege intensifiesConfronting deadly gun play. Unknown who lives or dies.Fritz Ann’s fate now in the hands of skillful EMTsTracy, Sam and the SWAT team: Blackhearts they shall seize.Elsewhere a version of events plays out on TV newsWendy Wichel holding forth, the facts she may abuse.Blaze and Notta sit transfixed with libations strong and coolNotta knows when to vamoose, none play her for a fool.News footage of Ace Tower shows that where there’s smoke there’s fireNotta and Blaze gaze at the scene. Separate escapes they must conspire.While high up on the top floor, Bigg looks to get awayVast wealth is lost at such a cost. Can’t think of that today.Bribery he has a plan, a special suite 6BCreeping closer to his goal he senses victory.When rounding one last corner, he finds three foes are blockingAccess to his escape route, the denouement simply shocking.Honeymoon protects her friends, as dear Mysta taught her toThinks of others, not herself, as a Tracy’s wont to do.
Sam and Tracy on the move. The siege intensifiesConfronting deadly gun play. Unknown who lives or dies.Fritz Ann’s fate now in the hands of skillful EMTsTracy, Sam and the SWAT team: Blackhearts they shall seize.Elsewhere a version of events plays out on TV newsWendy Wichel holding forth, the facts she may abuse.Blaze and Notta sit transfixed with libations strong and coolNotta knows when to vamoose, none play her for a fool.News footage of Ace Tower shows that where there’s smoke there’s fireNotta and Blaze gaze at the scene. Separate escapes they must conspire.While high up on the top floor, Bigg looks to get awayVast wealth is lost at such a cost. Can’t think of that today.Bribery he has a plan, a special suite 6BCreeping closer to his goal he senses victory.When rounding one last corner, he finds three foes are blockingAccess to his escape route, the denouement simply shocking.Honeymoon protects her friends, as dear Mysta taught her toThinks of others, not herself, as a Tracy’s wont to do.