I like this “official” hat and shirt colour better than the weekday one. Mr. Bones has similar skin colour to Blackjack, not so unusual as the weekday person decided to make it. I’m not sure which is best, but I did say that I thought he looked too grey in the weekday ones.
I think there was an actual Little Wingy doll in our world. I’m not sure whether the doll ever appeared in the strip before.
If Bones does have Blackjack’s collection, does that mean he stole it himself? Maybe he doesn’t actually have it. Could be be bluffing, and why? If he does have it, why is he so willing to give it back? Many questions that will hopefully be answered before the end of this story.
Good morning™, everybody!
I like this “official” hat and shirt colour better than the weekday one. Mr. Bones has similar skin colour to Blackjack, not so unusual as the weekday person decided to make it. I’m not sure which is best, but I did say that I thought he looked too grey in the weekday ones.
I think there was an actual Little Wingy doll in our world. I’m not sure whether the doll ever appeared in the strip before.
If Bones does have Blackjack’s collection, does that mean he stole it himself? Maybe he doesn’t actually have it. Could be be bluffing, and why? If he does have it, why is he so willing to give it back? Many questions that will hopefully be answered before the end of this story.