Somebody get Doug a universal translator so that Sophie can understand “Yes, you silly dog, there’s a flying Georgia daemon cat outside the window looking for you.”
Open the window. Open the window, Mark. Open the window, Mark. Please! Let me in! It’s OK, Mark, I’m your friend. He commands it!
One of the scariest scenes ever. Danny Glick (vampire) hovering outside the window of his friend Mark Petrie, trying to gain entrance to the house in Salems Lot. I didn’t go near the windows @ night for weeks. Just reading the quote just now sent a chill down my spine.
margueritem over 13 years ago
You’d better look yourself, Sophie…
Catfeet Premium Member over 13 years ago
How much is that demon cat flying in the window…
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
Demon cat or dirty bird?
Elaine Rosco Premium Member over 13 years ago
I think Doug is trying to say Bat Cat…Bad Cat…Bird???? Whatever run Sophie!
StelBel over 13 years ago
time out for language clarification.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
How did Demon Kitty find Sophie?
hossblacksilver over 13 years ago
Somebody get Doug a universal translator so that Sophie can understand “Yes, you silly dog, there’s a flying Georgia daemon cat outside the window looking for you.”
Shikamoo Premium Member over 13 years ago
Demon cat! Run Sophie, and hide. My Mua has wings too. Angel wings.
vldazzle over 13 years ago
Meowrice’s minions found Musette, but they only had to search the city of Paris. This kitty had a GPS however – modern technology helps!
steelersneo over 13 years ago
Open the window. Open the window, Mark. Open the window, Mark. Please! Let me in! It’s OK, Mark, I’m your friend. He commands it!
One of the scariest scenes ever. Danny Glick (vampire) hovering outside the window of his friend Mark Petrie, trying to gain entrance to the house in Salems Lot. I didn’t go near the windows @ night for weeks. Just reading the quote just now sent a chill down my spine.