Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for February 28, 1972
B.D.: What exactly are we looking for, Phred? Phred: A cache of supplies my men hid in this area. B.D.: What? Phred: Hey, here it is! It's a box we stole from the U.S. supply depot last month... B.D.: What's in it? Phred: Don't know. We were discovered and had to leave it behind... B.D.: Beer! Phred: "Schlitz"?
Never saw Schlitz in Viet Nam. Plenty of Carling Black Label and San Miguel (the MacArthur family stuff from the Philippines). Maybe the clubs had Schlitz in the big HQ areas, but in the boondocks where I spent my two tours, it was “Hey Mabel — Black Label” or that Vietnamese brew, Baumi Ba (“33”).