Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 04, 1977
Kirby: Can you believe it? This is the last play of the year? Zonker: Let's make it a memorable one, guys! Kirby: A pass to you? Zonker: Oh, no, I just couldn't! Really! Well, Kirby, my man, another season in the bag! Wanna go grab a beer? Kirby: No, thanks, Zonk. I have to go home and work on my costume! Zonker: Hey! That's right, our sixties revival party's tonight! What're you going as? Kirby: Well, I'm not sure yet! Probably just a hippie or a war criminal or something. Zonker: Those are both good... Kirby: I dunno. I can't really make up my mind... Zonker: I've got an idea - why don't we go as negroes? Kirby: Well, for one thing, nobody would talk to us? Zonker: Nonsense! I'm sure there'll be lots of people coming as liberals! Kirby: Yeah, but they won't talk to us. They'll just give us money. Zonker: Oh... right! Boy, what a memory you have!