Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for February 17, 1980
Ted Kennedy: And, uh, that is, at whatever point... uh... at this time. Voice: Thank you, Senator Kennedy. Man: Senator Kennedy, you have come under criticism for your repeated failure to articulate exactly why you want to be President... In light of the upcoming primaries, sir, I wonder if you'd care to take another stab at it? Kennedy: Well, let me just say that in respect to the difficult question...uh...that is, Mr. Carter, during a time of grave crisis. Now in regards to getting this country moving again, with the full support of, uh, my family, that is, the future of this great country. Let me... uh... just add that the kind of decisive leadership, to the best of my abilities, which the American people want and deserve! Man: That's easy for him to say. Rick: Senator, how do we know this isn't just another election promise? Kennedy: Well, let me just say this.