Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 31, 1982
Girl: Now, remember the idea is to be informative and reassuring.... Girl 2: What about getting money? Girl: That comes after. Woman: I'm sorry honey, but as a housewife I couldn't possibly consider giving to your ERA fund... Girl: But housewives need the equal rights amendment as much as anyone else! Woman: Yes, I know, I've heard all the arguments, but emotionally, I'm just not ready to accept it. Girl 2: Could you explain why, ma'am? We've been getting a lot of that... Woman: Listen, honey, my marriage is very important to me. The ERA will encourage young women to go into the marketplace. Women who are in a position to compete for my husband. It's just not fair as colleagues, they'll be better able to understand his problems! But what about me? It's easy for him to re-marry, but what kind of demand is there for a 45-year-old ex-housewife? Girl 2: Lots, I'll bet. You sound very bright, and you still look great! Girl: Darn right! Woman: Oh, you're just being sweet... Girl 2: Not at all. A little makeup and you'd be in business! Girl: Besides, if ERA passes, the government will probably provide dating services! Woman: It will? Girl 2: Ellie, you're overpromising again! Ellie: Um...yeah. That's not definite or anything.