Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 01, 1985
Duke: "Splendid employment opportunity in Honduras. Must be skilled with exploding arrows. Starting pay, $2 mil." Hmm...maybe it's time for another sabbatical. What is it now, Honey? Honey: Sir, I was wondering if you'd like to go see the new exhibit of Haitian primitives. Duke: Sorry, Honey, I have to deal with enough Haitian primitives all day. Honey: I'm talking about paintings, sir. At the baby doc museum of folk art. It's the annual exhibit of the best new work on the island. Every disctrict is represented. Duke: Sounds spellbinding, Honey. Why don't you ask Zonker? Honey: I'd like to, sir, but he's out exploring on the reef again. Besides, you know your nephew, sir, you even mention the word "culture" to him and his eyes glaze over. Duke: Boring.