Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for February 01, 1987
Person: When did you know that you knew what you know? Havoc: You don't know jack, Jack! Man: What's goin' down, Hav? Havoc: We're havin' a cover-blowin' party, Batman. One of Bush's people is before the select committee...if this ol' boy sings, the company'll rotate us out of Honduras faster than you can say "I'm a contra." Person: One final question, sir. Do you know of any CIA operatives who were illegally supporting the contras? Person 2: Well, Senator, I...uh...htat is...uh... People: Fifth! Fifth1 Fifth! Person 2: I refuse to answer on the grounds... People: Yeeaa! Havoc: Damn, this administration's got a lot of heroes!