Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for April 09, 1989
Mark: As Johnny Carson likes to say..."Let's see, what else is in the news today!" We're back with Reagan scholar professor Len Shoemaker, talking about his new book, "The Lost Year"! Professor, what exactly is the lost year? Len: It's the California year, Mark. Reagan spent close to 450 days of his presidency on the west coast-almost 15 months completely unaccounted for! What happened to the lost year? Historians are baffled, but based on a painstaking recreation of the events of the Reagan presidency, I have been able to formulate a theory... Mark: To wit? Len: Mark, I'd like you to name for me a single thing that happened in the Reagan presidency in 1985. Mark: 1985?, I can't! Len: And yet that was only four years ago! Mark: So the lost year is 1985! Incredible! Len: What's incredible is that we didn't miss it! What's that say about us as a people?
What it says about us the people is “Government? We don’t need no stinking government!”