Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 15, 2002
Older man: Do I worry about it? Um... not really. What country did you say? Boy: Is that like near Brazil or something? Roland: As the White House pepares to invade Iraq, how do ordinary Americans feel about going back to war? I asked. Man in suit: Well, I'm not too up on it, but I'm basically psyched. I mean, as long as there's no draft or anything. Woman: I guess it's fine, except for the loss of life. I hate that. Man with goatee: Sure, why not? I'm cool with anything that gets my mind off my 401(k). Young men: Can we do that now? Just invade countries when we feel like it? That is so money, man! Woman with glasses: Will it be on channel five? I only get channel five. Man in cap: Iraq? But we already beat Iraq! Where's the fun? Roland: There you have it, Wolf - A country braces for war! Man in cap: I man, France I could see.
wow this one is blurry