Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 21, 2003
Mark: Think I'll set a whole new tone for the show today... yeah, right... who am i kidding? On the line today-- a very busy man-- recently rehabbed radio talk icon Rush Limbaugh! Welcome, Mr. L.! Rush: Thank you, my friend. Mark: Sir, I've got to ask you-- during your time off... did you find that you had any regrets as you looked back over your career? Rush: Regrets over what? Mark: Well, over the tone you set. I mean, you took name-calling and partisan invective to a whole new level... your only rival in public invincibility was Newt Gingrich. Together you paved the way for a whole generation of bilious whack jobs, from Bill O'Reilly to Tom DeLay to the current wave of Bush-haters! Rush: You give me too much credit, ,y friend... Mark: No, no, I don't I don't! You really are the godfather of the politics of personal destruction! Rush: Well, that's rich, coming from... Mark: Shut up, you hypocritical, pill-popping lard mountain!