Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 12, 2004
Mark: A little over-confident, aren't we? That's more like it! Hi folks! Are you still confused by color-coded threat levels? Well, you needn't be! Let me walk you through this simple system! Green means a low risk of Bush losing the election. Citizens should be vigilant, but basically re-election's in the bag. Blue means the election is under control, but bears monitoring, citizens should check to make sure they have registered as republicans. Yellow means an elevated risk of losing! All citizens should remind each other how dangerous it is to switch leaders in the middle of war on terror. Orange means a high risk of losing the election! Citizens are strongly urged to raise the subject of gay marriage! Red means the president's number are is free-fall! Citizens should max out, and the supreme court put on high alert - just in case!