Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for June 23, 2010
Sam: You have to read the whole thing? Zonker: No, no, newspapers are divided into sections... So you just pull out the section that interests you the most, says, local news or classifieds or movie listings... Sam: Hey... cool! Comics! Zonker: No, no, Sam. You don't want to be reading the comics! Sam: What? Why not? Zonker: We're in them. You'd just get confused.
Pschearer, when you flag material, then you are demanding that it be removed. It matters little that you do not perform the actual removal. Demanding the removal of any comment simply because you find it insulting shows how little you respect freedom of speech.
As to the A.C.L.U., please specify what you mean. Your vague statements of “some rights sometimes” & “other rights” mean almost nothing.
Lew, the column entitled “Another Scandal, Another Lesson” was obviously an opinion piece commenting on the news story on the same subject on the same page. If you cannot tell the difference, then you need to read the newspaper much more slowly & carefully.
I would suggest that you read my comments more slowly & carefully, too. For months, you have baselessly accused me of dodging the draft during the Vietnam War. Now, you claim that I called THE NEW YORK TIMES “unbiased”. Please point to where I said that.
As to the ruling by the Judge Feldman: Ronald Reagan, a pro-oil, anti-regulation president, appointed him in 1983, and he owns stock in Transocean. Is it any wonder that he ruled the way that he did? He demonstrates the crying need for a progressive administration.
I hope that you keep chanting “Drill, Baby, Drill”. I would love to see “Drill, Baby, Drill” hung around the neck of each Republican & Tea Bag candidate this fall. If the Democrats play their cards right (unlikely), then they can cover every Republican & Tea Bag candidate with their own beloved oil.