Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 20, 2011
Editor: You don't see the problem? Really? Stealing an embargoed, potential best-seller... and Tweeting its contents to millions? Roland: Well, it's not like I revealed anything... I took a boring hatchet job and made it fair and balanced! I improved it so much the book was practically unrecognizable! Editor: That's it? That's your defense? Roland: You should be thanking me! Right, boss? Roger Ailes: Don't push it.
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
It is amazing to watch Trudeau switch gears
ANQuixote over 13 years ago
Thanks Roland!
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
How many of us saw this story going the way it has when Jeff met Roland in the coffee shop on September 5? Now I am going to see the cool side of a pillow.
jeanne12127 over 13 years ago
Leftwingpatriot> Just how did GT switch gears?? He’s been doing a perfectly grand bit of showing how ‘spin’ is put on stuff from a PR standpoint, not from a "Demo/Rep viewpoint…. just plain old EVERYDAY ‘spin’. Well done, GT!
cdhaley over 13 years ago
RB is for marketing the image, pure and simple (i.e., utterly speciously). She doesn’t pretend that fiction is “fair and balanced.” As Lady Fortune, she panders to imbecilic readers—-not to self-deluding commentators.
KenChevy over 13 years ago
Somebody is pissed, and she is letting everyone know it.
AKHenderson Premium Member over 13 years ago
“You’re angry when you’re beautiful” – Hawkeye Pierce, to Hot Lips Houlihan
Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Fox management acted appropriately. It was the employee who betrayed management.
(That was satire, irony, and sarcasm, for those who don’t recognize them.)
roctor over 13 years ago
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
Roger Ailes to Roland: there is a bus I want you to get under.
tamjaf over 13 years ago
*sigh. The funny part is that the Chicago Tribune censored Doonesbury again yesterday. I don’t know if the prankster who called the Trib “the liberal media” was joking or not, but the Trib always been true blue Republicrat, no irony, all spin, all the time.
TheWildSow over 13 years ago
Well, it’s her own fault — she gave Jeff the WRONG GALLEYS. Roland didn’t “steal” anything.
jgcp1 over 13 years ago
She IS cute when she’s mad! (Angry…)
Simon Seamount over 13 years ago
She is so adorable! Can we see her more?
ScullyUFO over 13 years ago
The objective is to sell more books.
Sandfan over 13 years ago
The sad thing is that this “boring hatchet job” full of gossip, innuendo, and rumor about a self promoting featherweight probably will be a best seller.
puddleglum1066 over 13 years ago
Fair and balanced: choose one or the other. You can rarely have both. It’s hardly “fair” (if fairness has anything with respecting reality) to give equal time and weight to people who believe the earth is flat. But it’s not “balanced” unless you do.
RegHartt over 13 years ago
As someone who has been interviewed often the first time I said to myself, “Gee, if they get this wrong what about the big stuff?” Trudeau is on the mark. He’s not switching gears.
babka Premium Member over 13 years ago
bummer. Becca’s bottom line is the money.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 13 years ago
shhhhh,everybody be quiet…..jrmerm is sleeping!
randgrithr over 13 years ago
ScullyUFO: exactly. If he makes the book so unrecognizable that Palin supporters actually buy it, he’s doing Miss Thang and everyone she represents a favor! Sun Tzu said it best – a dime of profit made off the enemy camp is worth 100 dollars of your own budget.
gromitsperson over 13 years ago
Again, stealing and releasing before pubdate is what McGinniss did…to Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin, a competing book.
Nemesys over 13 years ago
Since none of the players in this little drama actually did anything close to what is being presented, GT has lampooned only himself in this odd series.
Gary, you’ve been a good teacher on occasion, but the only thing that you’re teaching us this month is the meaning of the word “irrelevant”. Politically, you have now set a new standard.
Kirk Sinclair over 13 years ago
@Nemesys – oh, nonsense. Everyone knows the actions of these players is fiction, however it’s a fiction surrounding real world events, real world people. Everyone (except the dumbest right wingers) can tell the difference. It’s fiction pointing out the foibles, ironies, and hypocrisies of real world figures. There are countless books and movies that use the same literary device, and nobody seems to mind.
pbarnrob over 13 years ago
I just object (mildly) to the continuation of the attention to the non-important. I know, I know, many people find it utterly fascinating (sorta like a gory traffic collision), and the strongly partisan won’t be dissuaded, but aside from the humorous aspects of Jeff, Becca, and Roland’s interactions, the ‘real-world’ (what a concept) progenitor of all this drama is so… MEH. Sarah Who?
cdhaley over 13 years ago
I’m with pbarnbob. GBT may enjoy drinking his own lemonade, but I don’t enjoy watching him do so. Self satire is OK; self-flagellation is excessive. Does he really feel guilty for his contributions to celebrity politics?
chicken 33 over 13 years ago
Is Roland maried? I sense romance.
platinumboy7 over 13 years ago
I can fully understand why the Chicago Tribune refused to run this strip. Some months back, obama made sure the lawn was being mowed where the Fox News reporter was speaking live, interrupting the reporter. Who’s in charge of the liberal news media?
vwdualnomand over 13 years ago
just like fox news and roger ailes. one of their idiots gets into some serious trouble…and throws them under the bus.
Kendor over 13 years ago
Roland has millions of followers on Twitter?
pbarnrob over 13 years ago
The Murdoch empire (and especially Roland) might think twice before tangling with Bertelsmann…
ironflange over 13 years ago
Her fury only makes her more lovable, as long as it’s aimed in someone else’s direction. Premium Member over 13 years ago
We can all pretend she is irrelevant, but if she teams up with Perry, she will not be irrelevant at all.