Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 08, 2012
Roland: "Though experiment: set 'mass murder' aside for a moment. Now, how is Obama NOT like Hitler? See? Now who's nutty?" "Justfiguedway2savecharacters don'tusespaceorpunctuationalthough possiblethatthisisannoying4fans." "Gorgeous day. So easy 2 forget how many people hurting in this economy. Thought it'd be harder." "My youngest said something really cute last night. Can't recall exact wording, but it was classic. You'd laugh." "Doing promos today. Hate the attention which never gets reported in the liberal media even though it says a lot about me." "My Tweets are like my children: hard to choose favorite because don't like any of them. Admit I'm a perfectionist." "Just got shot down by publicist and Obama's numbers are up. Can't wait for opposite day 2 be over." "Moot issue, but when u look back on yr life, do u think u'll regret spending part of it reading this Tweet? Hope not!" The continuing Tweets of Roland Hedley
He sleeps with his hat on!?