Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 14, 2014
Ginny: Hey, Blondie, any useful feedback from Rick over dinner? Joanie: Would you believe we talked until two in the morning? Ginny: So what's his analysis of our situation right now? Joanie: It's hard to get a fix on what he feels, Ginny, but I really think he and I are making progress! I can't be certain, of course. He's pretty shy, which is endearing, but it makes him a little inaccessible. Still, I think he likes me. Ginny: Thank you. That's very helpful. Joanie: What is?
And to everyone who keeps ripping on their spawn, Jeff..Let’s not forget that while Rick and Joanie are great people..they weren’t the best parents. I recall the pregnancy being unplanned and them chasing their careers in the early days while dumping Jeff off at a suspect daycare that used television and Twinkies to calm the mini-masses. It’s no wonder he turned out a little jaded and self centered. Still..would you rather have Jeff or Earl as a son?