The 3rd-person singular pronoun is the last vestige of gender in the English language, and it would be better off dead. We need a decent gender-neutral “human” pronoun (not “it”, which is for things). Unfortunately, all of the dozen or so that have been proposed thru the years pretty much suck. My own favorite (probably doomed like the rest) was to utilize the 4th and 5th vowels as 1-letters words. “O”, “A”, and “I” are already words, and I like the otherwise unclaimed “U” (2nd-person) and “E” (3rd-person) to round out the complete set.
The 3rd-person singular pronoun is the last vestige of gender in the English language, and it would be better off dead. We need a decent gender-neutral “human” pronoun (not “it”, which is for things). Unfortunately, all of the dozen or so that have been proposed thru the years pretty much suck. My own favorite (probably doomed like the rest) was to utilize the 4th and 5th vowels as 1-letters words. “O”, “A”, and “I” are already words, and I like the otherwise unclaimed “U” (2nd-person) and “E” (3rd-person) to round out the complete set.