All I distinguish about a car is color (and approx size)-makes and models are all the same to me. I only care that it gets me where I’m going. Still driving my ’04 Ford Focus that a young jerk keyed all around because he thought I took “his” space at the grocery store.
lewisbower about 13 years ago
Mine is worse off after the kid washes it and takes it out for a test drive.
np312 about 13 years ago
why does the car change colors in each panel?
vldazzle about 13 years ago
All I distinguish about a car is color (and approx size)-makes and models are all the same to me. I only care that it gets me where I’m going. Still driving my ’04 Ford Focus that a young jerk keyed all around because he thought I took “his” space at the grocery store.
Jaythor over 1 year ago
The car is different in each box, both style and color.