Eno is a character. I agree with not sharing the same fork especially since Eno doesn’t get second dates and probably doesn’t know this girl that well. Besides the pandemic, we are in flu season. Someone made the comment of getting to the car before the bill comes. Sounds like an Eno thing.
My wife, God rest her soul, was 24 years older than I. She had tons of these “rules” that she expected me to adapt to my life. Didn’t happen but made for an exciting marriage.
pearlsbs almost 4 years ago
He doesn’t want to fork with her.
AtariDragon almost 4 years ago
The main thing is to be in the car before the bill comes.
allen@home almost 4 years ago
No wonder why Eno can never get a second date.
Ratkin Premium Member almost 4 years ago
“For the last tine, no!”
LookingGlass Premium Member almost 4 years ago
But, won’t sharing the same utensil give you cooties??
pekelopan Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Eno is a character. I agree with not sharing the same fork especially since Eno doesn’t get second dates and probably doesn’t know this girl that well. Besides the pandemic, we are in flu season. Someone made the comment of getting to the car before the bill comes. Sounds like an Eno thing.
assrdood almost 4 years ago
Eno’s a “romantic”.
sheilag almost 4 years ago
That’s probably about as far as ol’ Eno will likely get with this “Eno-ette” female version of himself…
In thinking about it, maybe that’s why he’s not into HER? :-P
e.groves almost 4 years ago
I’ll share my fries but that’s all.
robcarroll1213 almost 4 years ago
No forking but maybe spooning?
Otis Rufus Driftwood almost 4 years ago
They still do this in the time COVID?
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Dude, you have a live one there and this is the best you can do? …tsk. Don’t forget the doggie bag. You’ll need it.
j.l.farmer almost 4 years ago
TurbosDad almost 4 years ago
And yet he remains single. Boggles the mind…
mistercatworks almost 4 years ago
My wife, God rest her soul, was 24 years older than I. She had tons of these “rules” that she expected me to adapt to my life. Didn’t happen but made for an exciting marriage.
Moonkey Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I am sorry for your loss.
bobw2012 almost 4 years ago
Her.. I have to powder my nose. Be right back.
oakie817 almost 4 years ago
well, after that, no spooning for you
WCraft Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Oddly enough, there was no second date.
raybarb44 almost 4 years ago