About Edge City

Meet the Ardins!

They're the stars of Edge City, a nationally-syndicated, ground-breaking comic strip about a hip, Jewish-American family juggling relationships, careers, and tradition at the fast-pace of modern life. Fueled by caffeine and gasoline, Len and Abby and their kids, Colin and Carly, power their way through self-employment, after school activities, pursuing their dreams, and lining up for carpool. It's life on the edge every day in Edge City!


Wife, mom and therapist--for Abby, there just aren't enough hours in a day. The well-being of Abby's family is of the utmost importance to her, but so is her career at her group practice, Heads Up Mental Health Care. It's a lot to deal with, but Abby tries to cultivate inner tranquility . So far, she's not sure she's experienced it, but Abby's not the kind to give up.

Between being Abby's husband, Colin and Carly's dad and co-owner of business, Leadfoot Couriers, Inc., Len has his hands full. Len takes what life throws at him with sarcastic good humor, an attitude you might expect from someone who used to play in a punk rock band. Len still regards himself as the hippest guy in his suburb, and stays true to his rock roots by playing on the weekends with his current band, Midlife Crisis.

Colin and Carly:
At the ages of 12 and 10, Colin and Carly have studied dance, karate, soccer, and several instruments, but haven't been allowed to walk around their neighborhood by themselves. Colin, when not dealing with a serious XBox habit, shows an early head for business, or at least figuring out how to get the maximum pay for household chores. Carly spends her time negotiating the rocky shoals of 4th grade social life and keeping up with the latest toys.

Edna and Morris:
Abby's parents live nearby, which makes it easy for them to spend time with the Ardins. When they have the time, that is, because if anything, they're even busier than Len and Abby. Morris is an irascible curmudgeon who's always looking for a good deal. Edna is an optimistic free-spirit who's been spending her golden years doing everything from earning a black belt in Tae Kwon Do to running the Iditarod in Alaska.

Len's mom Bev is an unreconstructed child of the '60s, but she doesn't live in the past. An activist for any issue you can think of, Bev would much rather take her grandchildren to a demonstration than the zoo. Bev's bohemian lifestyle never left her much time for parenting, so Len was a bit aprehensive when she decided to spend her golden years living close by. But though she sometimes drives him crazy, he has to admire her energy and dedication.

Len's business partner Rajiv, is co-owner of Leadfoot Couriers. A first-generation Indian-American, Rajiv's calm and somewhat cautious approach to business balances Len's tendency to think a little too big at times. Rajiv's been dodging his family's attempts to arrange him a marriage for years, but his care-free bachelor image barely hides a romantic streak a mile wide.

Abby's Colleagues:
Janice, Beatriz and Stewart are the other therapists in the group that forms Heads Up Mental Health care. Though they respect each other, it's not always easy to make the decisions necessary to keep things running.While Abby, Janice and Beatriz get along all right, Stewart, who's difficult, prickly and cheap, often gums up the works.

The Ardin's cat Harry was named not after a certain popular children's book character but after the hairballs he keeps coughing up on the rug. Everyone loves Harry except Len, who never wanted a cat to begin with. Harry seems to know this, and makes it a point to get under Len's skin whenever he can.

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