TSOJ: I never noticed Holly’s kinky tail, Even when Flask called their relationship kinky, until someone in the comments called attention to her question mark tail. And Wally has developed a little kink of his own.(Grow Some Kink Of Your Own? James Gang{featuring Joe Walsh}? 1960s?)
It existed a year ago, before she took up with Wally, as someone pointed out yesterday over at the Doc Rat section as CrossTimeCafe because Jenner showed Dani as a tribute to ANeathery and Holly. The link to the forum is at the bottom right at www.docrat.com.au/ .
I kind of hope it isn’t Flask. I know it looks like her boots, but Aaron did not show her curvy backside here, and maybe there is more to this relatively short arc. Maybe Flask gets redeemed. Or maybe Monday is “Anything Can Happen Day”. While not a clear suspenseful cliffhanger, it does leave an entire question filled weekend. In a way, ANeathery granted several peoples’ wishes from Thursday.
Aside to Level_Head: Thanks for the well written Leonard Cohen inspired piece yesterday. I spent my entire time yesterday listening to him. I knew who he was since Suzanne, but lately had been a little put off by 8-12 year old children singing a song of his that requires a lot of experiences they cannot have possibly had. Buckley is the only person under 35 who should have been able to sing Hallelujah. And Buckley crammed a lot of experience into 30 years.
TSOJ: I never noticed Holly’s kinky tail, Even when Flask called their relationship kinky, until someone in the comments called attention to her question mark tail. And Wally has developed a little kink of his own.(Grow Some Kink Of Your Own? James Gang{featuring Joe Walsh}? 1960s?)
It existed a year ago, before she took up with Wally, as someone pointed out yesterday over at the Doc Rat section as CrossTimeCafe because Jenner showed Dani as a tribute to ANeathery and Holly. The link to the forum is at the bottom right at www.docrat.com.au/ .
I kind of hope it isn’t Flask. I know it looks like her boots, but Aaron did not show her curvy backside here, and maybe there is more to this relatively short arc. Maybe Flask gets redeemed. Or maybe Monday is “Anything Can Happen Day”. While not a clear suspenseful cliffhanger, it does leave an entire question filled weekend. In a way, ANeathery granted several peoples’ wishes from Thursday.
Aside to Level_Head: Thanks for the well written Leonard Cohen inspired piece yesterday. I spent my entire time yesterday listening to him. I knew who he was since Suzanne, but lately had been a little put off by 8-12 year old children singing a song of his that requires a lot of experiences they cannot have possibly had. Buckley is the only person under 35 who should have been able to sing Hallelujah. And Buckley crammed a lot of experience into 30 years.