For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for March 14, 2016

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 8 years ago

    when does Anthony make his first appearance anyway?

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    Argythree  over 8 years ago

    Wow, Michael, is it really necessary to be so mean?

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    38lowell  over 8 years ago

    …and, you’ll never know what fate has dealt you!Lik a Bostonian, marrying a Southerner.Or, a Canadian, marrying a Mexican.Or, no one at all, or many.FATE!

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    Alphaomega  over 8 years ago


    He’s just being a typical brother at that age.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Hang in there, Anthony, there’s still hope.

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 8 years ago

    A teensy bit disingenuous from Lynn, though….as she’s been married twice, and the 2nd time was over 30 years.

    It’s not that she didn’t find anyone…. just that she found the wrong someones.

    But there’s always hope, I hope, too, of a new someone being the right one.

    Meanwhile, yeah… that’s what brothers do.Older, younger, old or young.But when they’re gone, you’d love to have the chance to let them so it again.

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    dlkrueger33  over 8 years ago

    I remember when I was 7, trying to imagine my life at 40; I envisioned/fantaszied that I was a jet setter and would be attending parties in Europe. Interestingly, my SECOND marriage sort of fulfilled that fantasy. Met a man 16 years ago (on the internet) who lived in Germany, married him, imported him and now we fly back and forth to Europe …yes, even for a New Years Eve party! Dreams DO come true! – Could not have happened without the internet!

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    artheaded1  over 8 years ago

    I used to imagine the opposite about my parents when I was little. Dad is five years older, so my thoughts were along the lines of “when Dad was in 6th grade, Mom was in first grade”.

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    Linguist  over 8 years ago

    Michael just gave me my first real chuckle of the day.

    If I had a younger sister, I am sure I’d have said and done exactly what Michael did.

    Then years later woe betide the first boy who wanted to date her ! I’d have become the ‘over-protective’ older brother.

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    William Taylor  over 8 years ago

    Right on the nose, Michael. We all know there are 3 genders in the human race – male, female and kid sister. Yeccch……….

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    LuvThemPluggers  over 8 years ago

    I was the only girl with three brothers. They used to tell me, “You’re the flower of the family: a bloomin’ idiot” and “You have such beautiful, long hair down your back. It’s a shame you don’t have any on your head.” Stuff like that. Made me wish I’d been an only child.

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    Asharah  over 8 years ago

    I remember a movie where a father was griping about them letting an African-American kid (which in the time frame would have been a colored kid) on his sons Little League team. “First they want to play on the same ball team with you, next they’ll want to marry your sister.” Kid’s response, “Come on Dad, nobody’s that desperate.”

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    alondra  over 8 years ago

    I’m an American and he’s a Canadian. We lived 23 years in my country and so far 7 in his.

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    Linguist  over 8 years ago

    What I’ve seen around here is that white dudes are so reluctant to get married that white women are marrying foreign students from Africa and having children.

    That is a very racist canard ! True love sees no color, no race, no age, nor sex, for that matter.

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    melissalomax1313 creator over 8 years ago

    Too funny! Such a ‘sibling’ thing to do! ;)

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    coffeeturtle  over 8 years ago

    I had no idea Lynn was in her late 60’s.I was going to comment on the future of this cartoon, but then I realized that some people may be reading this strip for the first time. No spoilers. :-)

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    tuslog64  over 8 years ago

    Recently, I was looking through some old photographs with my oldest grand-daughter, and a photo of one of my ex-girlfriends came up:“Why didn’t you marry her?” “Well, if I had, you wouldn’t be here!”“Whoa!”(15 months to our 50th)

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    laisla1315  over 8 years ago

    Me too.

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    JennyJenkins  over 8 years ago

    It’s ironic for Lynn to say that about herself, considering that she’s been married twice, and one supposes that each time that person was “the One”. Anyway, that last panel made me laugh out loud seeing how Michael always has a good come back at Lizzie and vice versa.

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    Fontessa  over 8 years ago

    Give Michael some credit. The Bravest Man in the World is married to my sister :)

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    Snoopy_Fan  over 8 years ago

    The “One” is someone who feels the same way about you as you do about them. I’ve never met “The One” but I’ve met a few - very few - that I’ve felt I could have been happy with. Unfortunately, they didn’t feel the same way. Most of them didn’t stick around long enough to find out. Such is life…

    I’ll tell you this much: There is NOT “someone for everyone.” Not only is that reality; it’s also a good thing.

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    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member over 8 years ago

    There is more than ‘one’ that will make a great marriage with you. A lot of single moms thought they had met their ‘only one’ and went too far.

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    alviebird  over 8 years ago

    My sister, who is now single, has been married 6 times.

    I guess she doesn’t believe in dating.

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